PAE造紙濕強(qiáng)劑 濕強(qiáng)劑廠家

更新時(shí)間:一個(gè)月以前  瀏覽量:1267
離子型: 陽離子
單價(jià): 3200.00元/噸
起訂: 1 噸
供貨總量: 1000 噸
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
所在地: 山東 泰安市
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2021-06-28 09:16
瀏覽次數(shù): 1267


Products instruction of wet strength agent used for paper PAE

一、產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn)(products characteristics):

PAE造紙濕強(qiáng)劑(又稱 “PPE”)是我公司研究開發(fā)生產(chǎn)的一種新型造紙助劑。本品屬于水溶性、陽離子、熱固性樹脂,是繼目前通常使用的脲醛樹脂、三聚氰胺樹脂和聚胺后的又一個(gè)濕強(qiáng)劑主要品種。

PAE wet strength agent used for paper (also called PPE) is a new paper additive developed and produced by our company. This product belongs to water-solubility, cationic, thermosetting resin, which is another main product after the urea-formaldehyde resin, melamine resin and polyamine commonly used.

二、質(zhì)量指標(biāo)(quality index)


PH值:3—5     固含量:12±0.5%       
   粘度:2080cps(25℃)  貯存期:6個(gè)月(4--32℃)

Appearance: light, yellow viscous transparent solution

PH: 4-5                             Solid content: 12.5±0.2%               

Cationic degrees: about 40%           viscosity: 30-50 cps(25)

Storage period: 6 months(4-32)



、用途(product usage)


   This product is applicable to all kinds of requirements has wet strength of paper, such as decorative paper, napkins, photographic paper, filter paper, tea bag paper, titanium white paper, wallpaper, map paper, art paper,  fluting paper, cold storage boxes, germinating paper, all kinds of fruit bag paper, meat, vegetables, liquid food packaging paper and a variety of special paper that needs wet strength effect, etc. 


   PAE not only can enhance the wet strength of paper, but also increase the dry strength to different degrees, and can be used asRetention aid in the papermaking process, filter aid to improve the paper output and flocculant to remove small particles in the factory running water. This product is easy to be absorbed by fiber and can be cured under neutral or alkaline conditions.It belongs to thermosetting resin, which can improve the wet strength of paper by heating and drying in the process of paper making.


The main advantage of this product is that the use effect is good, the dosage is generally 1.0% of absolute dry pulp weight (PAE is calculated as 100%) can get a satisfactory result. It applies to a wide range of PH value. This product is non-toxic and non-irritating, can be used to copy all kinds of food packaging paper, suitable for neutral paper making. PAE wet strength agent can give paper many valuable properties, high stability, high wet strength [wet strength or dry strength], neutral sizing, good ink absorption and so on.

四、使用方法(method of application)


This product needs to adjust the PH value to neutral with alkali before use (acidic paper making need not to adjust the PH value), and then dilute (generally dilute to 5%). In order to ensure that this product can be fully mixed after adding slurry, but not subjected to excessive shear force, the addition point should be near the slurry box. If this product is frozen, it can be defrosted slowly and stirred thoroughly before use. The frozen product does not affect the effect of its use. Generally, the products should be stored at more than 5 and less than 30. This product is cationic resin, in addition to special circumstances, try to avoid directly mixing with anion substances. This product can be used with rosin gum and aluminum sulfate.

五、包裝和運(yùn)輸(packing and transport)


This product is packed in plastic drums with a net weight of 1000Kg per barrel. This product does not have inflammable, explosive and strong corrosion and other risks. This product uses the plastic bucket or the lining plastic iron bucket as the packaging container, can achieve the safe transportation goal. The products are transported by railway, highway, air and shipping. In case of any damage to the container in transit, just rinse it with water.

六、注意事項(xiàng)(point of attention)


 This product should be stored in a cool and ventilated place. The company guarantees the quality of products, pay attention to credibility, welcome paper manufacturers to use.   

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