廠家供應貨物防水碼垛防滑紙托盤碼垛防滑紙 環(huán)保運輸碼垛防滑紙

更新時間:一個月以前  瀏覽量:747
防滑度: 45°-55°
單價: 2.68元/平方米
起訂: 1000 平方米
供貨總量: 1000000000 平方米
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
所在地: 浙江 寧波市
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2017-12-06 15:15
瀏覽次數(shù): 747
Anti slip paper is suitable for textile packaging, chemical fiber packaging, chemical packaging, general packaging, building materials packaging, feed packaging, chemical fertilizer packaging, logistics packaging, food packaging, pallet anti-skid paper
It can be placed between goods and goods, goods and pallets, plays a role of anti-skid and protective products, to prevent goods in the process of slipping or collapse, so that the pallet stacking always clean and beautiful, reduce the probability of damage to the goods.

Reduce the slippage between pallets and make the goods more stable;

To make the stacking method more flexible: there is no need to use cross stacking, straight line stacking method, the goods are also stable: Cartons
The utility model has the advantages of larger carrying capacity, improving stacking operation efficiency of workers, saving time and labor;

The cycle can be used, according to the actual situation, you can use 4-6 pallet process;

It has the function of water repellent and helps to damp the goods;

It is easy to use - it can be manually laid or fully automatic palletizing machine;

It is especially suitable for mixed palletizing of different products;

Recyclable, reusable, environmentally friendly packaging materials.

Antiskid paper is suitable for stacking of all kinds of packing goods:

Cartons, plastic boxes, paper bags, glass products, metal products, rubber products, wood products, and packaging of more materials.
防滑紙適用于 紡織包裝 化纖包裝 化工包裝 通用包裝 建材包裝 飼料包裝 化肥包裝 物流包裝 食品包裝 托盤防滑紙 

● 減少托盤貨物之間的滑動,使貨物裝載更加穩(wěn)固;

● 使堆垛方式更靈活:可不必使用交叉式碼垛,采用直列式式堆垛方式貨物也很穩(wěn)定:紙箱

● 可循環(huán)使用,根據(jù)實際情況,可使用4-6個托盤流程;

● 具有拒水功能,有助于貨物防潮;

● 使用方便-可以人工鋪墊也可以全自動碼垛機鋪墊;

● 特別適合不同產(chǎn)品的混合碼垛;

● 可回收再利用,為環(huán)保型包裝材料。



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